Conflict Resolution

I love my class this year!  LOVE ThEM!  SO many fun personalities!However…We have a struggle…My class really has trouble getting along.  Ugh.  It is frustrating! A counseling friend asked me if I would make her some posters using clip...

Sunday Scoop

OH MAN!  Where does the weekend go?  I’m sitting at my computer at 5pm on Sunday afternoon looking at a mile long “to do” list! Marked off a few things, but there are many left.  Here’s what I’ll be reaching for this...

DIY Ceiling Hanger

Please tell me I am not the only one that gets tired of being a wall climber at the beginning of the year in my best efforts to hang all those cutesy things I’ve made or bought on the ceiling or the walls?!  I love the after effect, but any way to avoid...

On the Board: DIY Hanging Cups

In my school we use a lot of different methods to keep our students engaged.  One of them is the Stick Method, for lack of a better term.  I’m sure many teachers have heard of it, you pull a stick with a child’s name on it.  The student...

DIY No Sew Curtains

I am many things when it comes to crafting, a sewer is definitely not one of them! I always joke that its because I don’t like following rules.  I joke, but its true…at least when it comes to crafting.  I like to just look at something and...

Meet the Teacher Linky!

 Hey Everyone!  I’m excited to join up on this linky and get to know some bloggers out there!  I’m a new kid on the block when it comes to blogging, so I’m excited to make some new friends!Though my summer has been about 3 weeks long,...