In my school we use a lot of different methods to keep our students engaged.  One of them is the Stick Method, for lack of a better term.  I’m sure many teachers have heard of it, you pull a stick with a child’s name on it.  The student picked shares the answer, gets the privilege, etc. I love using this method!  I have one problem.  I have my marbles, but I tend to lose my sticks! lol.  In order to keep up with them, I keep them attached to the board where I can readily find them.

I made these this year to match my Superhero theme.  They were super cheap, thanks to my Walmart find.  These cups were 87 cents in the party section of Walmart.

 They took me approximately 15 minutes to make.

What you need:

3 button magnets (per cup)
Hot glue and glue gun

The process is simple, glue the three magnets in a row, spaced out from the top of the bottom of the cup.  Ta-da!  You have magnetic cups for your board.