Ladybug Lovelies

I was over at my friend Megan’s house showing her my new project with clip art and she asked me if I could draw her some ladybugs.  She is a third grade teacher here in Texas and someone I have collaborated with crafty stuff for years so I of course said,...

Ta-Doodles Clip Art!

So for years and years I have wanted to create clip art.  So much so that I used to keep drawing pads in high school and I would save all my doodles in hopes of one day selling them.  The problem was I didn’t know how and I wasn’t sure of the...

Top 10 Things I Learned at Conference

I have to first say, O-M-Goodness!  This conference was AH-maZinG!  If you ever have the chance to go as a seller, DO IT!  If you have to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for two months to save up for it…DO IT!!!  You won’t regret...

Vegas BABY!!!

Woohoo!  I am beyond excited to head to Vegas this weekend for the first EVER Teachers Pay Teachers Sellers Convention.  Laundry is done and ready to be packed, I’m checking off the “to do” list and getting everything in order!  My...


Welcome to my page!I’ve tried to start a blog more than once now, but this is it! Today it really happens! I hope you will check here often for information on education, links to great products, and great discussions about the classroom!A little about me…...