Valentine’s Day is one of the holidays that we don’t really get to spend a lot of time on and I always feel a bit weird just adding a bunch of hearts to things. When I first started teaching, I cringed at Valentine’s Day…maybe because I was single myself, lol.  As I’ve taught I’ve learned to enjoy it as a great holiday to show my students how much I love them and love teaching them.

Here are a few of my favorites to do with my littles, including a freebie!

1. Valentine’s Day People!
My littles loved making these Valentine’s Day people for their Valentine’s Day bags.  You can find the directions and file here.

They were a great way to do bags and made it easy for students to collect their valentines for the day.  We simply hung them on the wall and students went to the hallway and placed their valentines in each bag.  Putting names in large letters on the heart people made it easy for students to match the name on the valentine to the correct persons bag.

2.  Heart glasses
My students LOVE reading with our “I LOVE to READ” glasses!  I bought these gems at Dollar Tree.  They have had them for the last couple of years.  To make it easier for students to see I pop out the red lenses and students use the glasses to read books, vocabulary, or other fluency building activities we do during the month of February.

3. Ring Pops for Student Gifts!
This is my newest fave to give my students as a valentine.  You can go snazzy and rap them with ribbon, etc. If I’m being real though, I love my kids, but I don’t have time for that.  I simply print the tags in color, cut them and staple one to each ring pop package.  That simple! They look extra special, but are simple to make and easy on the bank account.  You can buy the ring pops at Dollar tree 4 for $1.  You can get the Editable tag HERE for FREE.