Every teacher loves a good deal!  I know I am constantly looking for great sales and prices on items for my classroom.  Today I am going to tell you about my favorite places and ways that I have money on my classroom purchases.

Tonja of Smart Puppy Learning here!  I wanted to write a quick post and share with you a few great places that can save you some cash.  Let’s review the few we all know about…just in case you don’t.  I would do a disservice if I didn’t at least mention them, but I will spend the majority of my time on another less known source I like to go to.

Okay, so the well knowns…

Amazon – amazon is great for classroom supplies such as scissors in bulk, pencil sharpeners (I’ve saved$20 or more for the same one), student prizes and classroom decor items.

Dollar Tree – great for organization, materials to make games, and craft supplies

Walmart – they price match, need I say more?

      Half Price Books – great for book sales
      Scholastic reader clubs – Remember to use your points
      Local Library – check them out and return them!

So that is out of the way…now for 3 things you may not know about or may have questions on.


Keeping with format, I am going to talk most likely to know about to least likely.  Donors Choose is an organization where you can list projects you want to purchase for your classroom, and much like Go Fund Me, people can make donations towards your project if it is something they feel is worth while.

I have had several friends that have had multiple Donors Choose projects funded.  The key is to be organized, give all of the information and research if possible.

Donors Choose is a great way to get the technology products you want funded.  You have to start small and build up to bigger projects, but it is a great way to allow the community at large to be a part of your classroom.


So we all know that there are TONS of free things to be had on TpT! Its great to have people share their great ideas with us.  Did you know though, that you can use points from purchases towards future purchases?!  I run across so many teachers who do not know this.  Its SO SIMPLE to get them too!

How do you get your points for purchases?  You leave feedback on things you have purchased before.  Click the link below to watch the quick video of how to leave feedback.


So now, finally the last of the resources, and the least known about at least in my circles is a site called NAEIR.  NAEIR is a site that has various products that include office supplies that are great to use in the classroom and other bulk items.


When I say this site offers DEEP DISCOUNTS, I mean it!  It is hit or miss as to what you will find on the site so you have to check it frequently.  The rule is that you are required to use anything you purchase for your classroom.  Which is an easy thing to do.  The products listed only have an allotted amount available, so you have to purchase when you see the items or they could run out within a few days.  The closer you get to the beginning of your school year, the truer this is.

To join this site you will have to get a membership. They verify that you teach and will send you an email.  This is great though because it limits who buys and insures that they are teachers.  When I shop I particularly like to check the clearance section of the site.  The deals in the clearance are awesome!

Below is an example. I use Duct Tape to bind spirals and ziplocs for binders and so much more!  Tape usually costs me about $4 a roll at Walmart, sometimes more if it is print.  Here they have 2 rolls in packs of 6 rolls, so 12 in ALL for $4.  Which is a crazy good deal!  They have similar deals on labels, pencils, post-its a lots more!

To top this all off, you can get free shipping when you spend $25 or more on the site.  Which it is very easy to spend $25 and get quite a bit of stuff!

I hope you have enjoyed these ways to save money for your classroom!  Have you found others I didn’t list? Please share them with us in the comments!  Happy classroom shopping!